Commander in Chief – Michael A. Abernathy

Greetings and I welcome you to the Valley of Eau Claire, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite website. The Scottish Rite is a branch of Freemasonry designed to supplement and amplify the philosophical teachings of the first three degrees. The Scottish Rite claims to build upon the ethical teachings and philosophy of blue lodge Masonry through dramatic presentation. The Scottish Rite is sometimes called the “University of Freemasonry” because it uses extensive allegory and drama in its degrees to explore the philosophy, history, ethics and ultimate truths that guide Freemasons’ lives.

The Mission of Scottish Rite masonry is:

  • Provide Inspiration for our members through meaningful programs and degrees.
  • Provide Convenient opportunities for our members to enhance their lives.
  • Provide Enjoyable programs and fellowship activities for our members.

Our Vision, “We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic obligation to care for our members.”

The Eau Claire Scottish Rite meets several times per year in what we call a reunion. It is the practice in most Valleys to hold a Reunion of the members twice a year, when all the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection, Council of Princes of Jerusalem, Chapter of Rose Croix, or Consistory are conferred or communicated on a class of candidates over a period of a few days. This gives an opportunity for some social fellowship, and it is also more convenient for the members living some distance from the meeting place.

As members of Scottish Rite, and more specifically our Eau Claire Valley, we want the best for our members, our organization, and for our society. As we face the future, we must work together, staying focused to our individual roles to ensure success. I really believe that success is based on a concept, “it is not about ME, it is about WE”.

I strongly believe we will continue to build from our successes of the past, and enhance, enrich, and develop new ideas that will assist us to build our Rite for the future. Our mindset must be one of optimism. Often times we find ourselves being easily defeated, and in turn if we think about being defeated, we cease our ability to be proactive thinkers. As we stay optimistic and realize we are who we are, and we are given our current situation, let us take advantage of a great organization and build on it. I believe we should think as winners, we will become winners, and our Scottish Rite will benefit from positive outcomes that are created. A focused group can build, prosper, and grow our great organization for many years to come.

We are located in the historic Eau Claire Masonic Temple in downtown Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I would encourage you if you are interested in learning more about our organization, to please contact our Valley Secretary. Hope to see you soon!

Michael A. Abernathy
Commander In Chief, Valley of Eau Claire